King James Bible Symposium

One of the best things about England is that there is so many new places to go and see. We had the opportunity to attend a King James Bible Symposium in Oxford celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James version back in the middle of May. One of our professor's from BYU is here in Cambridge for the summer and invited us to attend. It was very interesting because this symposium was sponsored by the LDS Church as well as Harris Manchester (one of Oxford's colleges). Oxford provided two professors and the Church provided a professor and a local member of the seventy to speak at the event. The topics that were covered was the background of the King James Bible, The King James Bible and English literature, and the effect of the King James Bible on America.

There was some extra time during the symposium that Lyndon and I took to get out and explore the city. Oxford is beautiful. It reminded me a lot of Bath because most of the buildings are made from stone. It was interesting to see the place where C.S. Lewis and Tolkien created there fantastic worlds. It was pointed out to us the path C.S. Lewis would walk home everyday, beautiful. Oxford is a beautiful city. However beautiful it is nothing compared to Cambridge. King's College Chapel is hard to beat. Plus punting in Oxford is done on the wrong side of the boat.

Overall it was a great day to interact with members of our own faith and those who support the King James Bible. 


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