This Weekend

We enjoyed some really beautiful, nice, spring time weather! It was the Best! The winter has been so cold and so long here in NYC I am glad it is finally coming to a close (now I have to go knock on wood). With the sun out I feel alive again. That also could be due to the fact that I am in my second trimester and over the life sucking torture of morning sickness (now I have to knock on wood again). It is so nice to see the sun shining through out window. Oh we have missed you mister sun. We have missed you so much! 

We took a stroll through Central Park looking for ducks, Cosette's new favorite thing, and ended up at a playground on the east side not too far from us. 

Lyndon proves every time we go to any playground that playgrounds are not just for kids.


I love her little bear hood. 

The best part about this weekend though was listening to our Church's General Conference. It was wonderful to hear our church leaders speak to us. General Conference strengthens my knowledge that there is a God and that he loves me very much. One reason I know this is because all sorts of personal questions and insights are addressed at Conference that only God would know I have. I am given direct answers to things that I have been searching for or struggling with. Receiving answers like that proves that there is a greater power out there, and  I know it is God. He cares enough about me to make sure that I am given answers from him through the people he has found fit to lead the church. I am grateful that I have this knowledge. 

Cosette and Daddy had to dance every song during conference. 

This general conference more than others was a teaching experience. I loved what Elder L. Whitney Clayton said about watch and listening. Just watch and listen and you will learn something, right? Both Lyndon and I watched and listened as best we could with cute Cosette running around, and dancing every time there was a hymn sung. Things that I learned were how to better engage with my child to create a loving relationship between us,  principles that will help create a strong marriage, and where to find peace. These are not things I was specifically looking for but what stood out to me at this conference. Those things listed I needed to hear. Like I said before this has been a cold long winter and hard winter.   

Thank you mister sun for finally poking your head out. Now we are going to go out and enjoy some more sunshine!


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