Four Generations


While visiting family back in January we had a four generation photo done. We took one right after Cosette was born. She was only three or four weeks old at the time. I do not recommend getting photos done at that age. Cosette was only good for one or two of the photos. She cried the rest of the time. However, even with all the crying that four generation photo turned out pretty good. But it was time for a new one.

 My sweet Momma got me a deal last year where I could take Cosette in every month to get her photo taken without any sitting fees, 50% off everything, and a free 8 x10 photo with my purchase. It was a pretty sweet deal. We used one of the months and got another four generation photo done. This one turned out even better because sweet little Coco is smiling! 

I love looking at it and seeing my sweet grandmother holding my daughter. I am so grateful that my grandmother knows my daughter. She is my only living grandparent now and we have a wonderful relaionship that I treasure. 

With Mother's Day coming up this week I have been thinking a lot about this photo and how special it is. It makes me so happy to know that Cosette has been born into a family on both sides that love her very much. And that she has such wonderful examples of women to look up to.


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