Baby H

It is funny that Henry has not even been here with us for two weeks and I already cannot remember life without him. I was very anxious about having a boy. I know girls, but boys? I don't know. I am happy to say that my anxiety evaporated the moment I held my sweet baby Henry in my arms for the first time. He is such a joy. I am so grateful I get to be his mommy. Little boys are the best! (And of course little girls too. I love my Coco).

Getting ready to take Baby Henry home from the hospital. 
Baby Henry is a really good baby. I mean really really good. He is better than Cosette, which says a lot because Cosette was a really really good baby. What I mean by good baby is that he hardly ever cries or fusses. He is just very content and happy. Henry smiles a lot, but only when he is sleeping at the moment. I have caught a couple of smiles when he is awake. I cannot wait for him to come out of the sleepy stage so he will smile more. He has a sweetest little smile that melts our hearts. He falls asleep on my chest and turns into a little baby ball are curled up. I have missed that. I think he is going to be a blondie. He poops a lot. A lot! I am not complaining because I will take a pooper over a cryer any day, but the kid's diaper has to be changed all the time. I know I have changed up to four in an hour. I am wondering where it is all coming from?

Our squishy little baby.
We are very happy to have a newborn in our home again.


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