Henry's First Hair Cut

Henry had his first haircut this week before we went back to New York. It was a sad day in my Momma heart. I loved his little "baby mullet." It is just another milestone passing. He is growing up, but thankfully not too quickly. It was harder than Cosette getting her hair cut because it really means he is not a baby anymore. I don't know, but it was a little sad for me.

 Lyndon took him to get it done at the local barber shop. Henry was not quite sure what to make of it. Oh, I am going to miss those little curls in the back he was starting to get. But as Cosette says "Don't worry Mom, hair grows back". (That is what she told me after I chopped off my hair back in the winter--she did not like it.) 

Lyndon said he was fine until they started cutting around his ear. I guess that would make me nervous too.
Party in the back no more.
Henry, a baby no longer. He's packing his bags for college. Watch out world! 


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