School Time: Cosette's First Field Trip!

Cosette had her first field trip this week to Kids STOP, a science museum specifically for primary level age kids. She was so excited to go. She went to school in the morning instead of the afternoon. We literally ran all the way there. We cross a big street on our way to school everyday. She likes to run across it before the timer runs out. She is fast! Anyway, she was feeling poorly over the weekend and I had forgotten she had her field trip till her teacher what's apped me the night before. That would have been a mom fail on my part. But she was feeling better and was able to go. She had so much fun and was jazzed about it when I picked her up. 
 Photos her teacher texted me below:

Learning how to make ketchup.
Her partner for the day was Akman Rahman (I have no idea how to spell his name). They are good friends. They sang "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes".

She says that right here she was working, but not sure what she was working on.
Cosette said her favorite activity was the super market. She says it was the first station they went to. 

On school, Cosette says her favorite thing is coloring. No surprises there, she wants to be an art teacher when she grows up. 


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