The Last Couple of Weeks

Here is a round up of photos from our everyday life that did not merit a blog post on their own. Here the kids are ready to go to school in the rain. We all put our rain jackets on, grab an umbrella and hop onto the stroller and off we go. We are lucky their school is only a five minute walk  away. I seem to run it most of the time because we are always in a hurry to get there. This picture reminds of  the part in the movie Totoro when the girls meet the catbus. We wish we could take the catbus. It probably wouldn't make us fold up our stroller.
The kid's at school celebrated national water conservation day. Cosette made a big posted about how to conserve water and Henry colored a picture of Water Wally, SG's water conservation mascot. 
Rafa is extremely mobile now. He is sitting up okay, not quite there yet. He loves to crawl and climb upon things. It's getting a little tricky. We have to keep our eye on him more.
He is eight months old now. When I told the kids Cosette asked if he could eat chocolate now. 
"Ain't I fine," she declared! That line comes from Sam and the Tigers, one of the kid's favorite books to read. When ever they get dressed up they will quote that line. 
We made it to the zoo. It has been a while. The kids had so much sweaty fun. Henry was so excited to go. He is my little animal lover.
Crocodiles are huge! This is one of two that were out and about swimming and the thing is massive. I never want to be in the water with one. It gives me shivers thinking about it. I appreciate that I can observe them in their enclosure.
Jungle boy.
Picture with the red river hog for Grandma. They are one of her favorites to see at the zoo.

We got to see the pygmy hippos up really close. It's incredible that there is only glass separating us and them. 
And there's the baby hippo!
We checked out these monkeys that were roaming about the zoo. The kids were eating a snack and we ate it quickly so the monkeys would not get any ideas. We learned out lesson at the River Safari. 
They both wanted to bring toy with them. Cosette brought her unicorn, Shemo, and Henry brought his "pet lizard", Rocky". They were excited to show their animals the zoo.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. I went to pick up a book I found on the expat classified's page and the lady was selling this game, so I got it too. The kids have played it everyday since.
They have such good manners. Eating dinner at one of the local food courts. The kids were begging for noodles and soup dumplings. The food here is super delish!

Plothow boys.
My sous chefs helping me make pumpkin bread.
I got my hair cut! It needed to be cut so bad. Its been over a year since I got it cut. Here in SG there are not a lot of hair places that will or know how to cut western hair, so I had to search around for a little bit. I went to a place in our local mall and awkwardly asked them if they could cut my hair. They said they could, yay! I had my reservations because I've had a lot of expat friends tell me horror stories about getting their hair cut here. Luckily it turned out. I texted my friend a pic of my successful haircut to let her know I would not be showing up for church with a scarf around my head.
Cosette's picture of her and I building a snow man. Someone is missing winter.
Henry's portrait of Lyndon. I joked with Lyndon and said "see Henry thinks you have black hair too!". 
Meet Astro Girl and Boy! We got a membership to the Singapore Science Center. We went one morning when we needed to get out of the house. I lost Henry two or three times while we were there, luckily not for long. Everyone in SG knows who Henry is because I am always calling after him or for him. The kids had a great time. Cosette went to a place next to it called Kidz Stop for a field trip. She really enjoyed herself. There was a piano that would play on its own and the bottom had Plexiglas over it so you could see how the insides worked. The kids especially like that. 

This things was probably Cosette's favorite. It was a camera thing that made you move like you were underwater. We looked pretty funny at some points. The ocean room was really cool. There were a couple stations where you could make the fish move on the walls, use music to call a shark on to the wall screen, and move a rock into a hole. Science is incredible. 
This is the brain wave exhibit. Pretty interesting stuff to learn about the brain. 
In the ocean room the kids went on a virtual roller coaster. They put these googles on and away they went. 

Loved the ocean room.
We hosted a pi day party to celebrate our inner nerd. It was the best because everyone brought pie, the kids swam, and there was hardly any clean up because we had it outside. And two of the young women in our ward came for the party and love all the kids so they entertained them for hours in the pool. Great for all the parents because we could relax and know our kids were in good hands. Love those girls. We made an apple pie, and a chocolate caramel macadamia nut tart (it's basically a giant twix with nuts in it). My friend brought a savory pie and it was amazing.

That's been the little things here and there that have happened. 


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