School Time: Racial Harmony Day

 A couple of weeks ago, the kids had racial harmony day at school. They were encouraged to wear traditional clothing from their culture and bring a snack or game to share with their friends. Cosette dressed up as much as a pioneer as I could gather on the fly to represent our pioneer heritage. Henry represented our Southern heritage. I think Tennesseans can agree that a 'coon skin hat and a Vol's t-shirt represent our culture pretty well. And I had made rolls the day before, so they took rolls to share with their class. That's pretty American. It was all I had on hand, because these things always sneak up on me and then it's like "oh my gosh! I have to get a costume ready for tomorrow! Ahhhh!". So I have decided to not let it bother me and to use what we have on hand. It always ends up working out. And I had to pay Cosette to wear those braids in her hair. Henry's hat was a hit. He said that all the kids tried to take it from him, haha. 

These are the pictures that Cosette's teacher sent me. I need to have Henry's teacher text me pictures from his class. Aren't they so cute? I love that Abdelrahman is wearing a batman shirt. His mom told me that he insisted on wearing it, haha. We may come from different cultures, but we share some of the same struggles, like picking our battles with our children. 

I am so grateful for the kids school. They are learning so much and have all these fun interesting activities to learn about each other's culture. It's such a unique and has been a wonderful experience. I love it! 

Singapore is such a diverse place and it really makes it easy to talk about our differences with each other and everyone is respectful. It is a breath of fresh air. I feel like I can be so open with people about my beliefs and traditions with others and I have found that people are very respectful of that. Anyway, go racial harmony day! With all the terrible events that have been happening way to frequently, I think we can all use a little increased awareness on this subject. 


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