We Helped Build a Giant Lego Statue of Liberty

This week we went down to Madison Square Park for the new Lego Store opening! It was quite the event and we had so much fun! There were stations where the kids could build a brick that was used to build a giant Lego sculpture of the Statue of Liberty. I found out I am kind of inept when building Legos. The instructions for the brick were a little tricky to follow. My excuse is that I had Henry in the carrier who was flailing around and I was trying to get all the right pieces to help Cosette build the brick. We got it finished in the end. You built your brick then you took it to be inspected and then got a certificate saying that you helped build it. 
Along with all the fun Lego building there were several giant Lego sculptures. It was incredible!
Of course, the Cinderella sculpture was our favorite. Cosette was so excited to see it. She even gave her a hug when we had to leave. 
Seeing the sculptures up close was really cool. I don't know how the Lego builders come up with the designs. They are incredibly creative.
A field of Lego flowers. This event makes you realize the all the building possibilities with Legos.
There they are putting our brick on Lady Liberty.
There were Lego tables set up so the kids could just have fun building and playing with the Legos. It was hard to get her away from this area. She was having too much fun.
She is coming along. It was fun to see the building progression throughout the day.
The guy doing the two thumbs up sign is one of seven professional Lego builders in the world. There were three at the event. The guy in the picture and the other two were assembling the bricks for the Statue of Liberty. 
Lyndon was able to meet up with us for Lunch! That was the best. We went across the street to Eataly and made our stomachs really happy. 

Cosette was pretty happy with her pizza. It is her favorite food.
I really enjoyed trying the fig sweet focaccia slice.
We can't wait to eat our food.

And you can't make a visit to a Italian market without getting some gelato. 

He has the sweetest face and little chocolate lips.
  1. I had to get a picture with the Flatiron Building. It is my favorite in Manhattan.
The store's theme was a through the ages theme. They had displays of different historical scenes around the top of the store. 
I really like the circus scene. The Lego elephant!
Cosette's favorite was the scene from "Today" because the dog looked like Grandpa and Grandma's dog, Schnitzel (Picture here). 
We tried to get a picture with the Statue of Liberty's torch inside the store. It was kind of crazy in the store so this was the best one we could get.
We had so much fun that day we went back down that night to see the finished product. There you can see, it was worth the trek back down there. We got the kids some Legos and they have been playing with them ever since. I think they might be asking Santa for some this Christmas.


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