Happy Halloween 2019!

Happy Halloween! Saying that phrase makes me so happy. I love this holiday. It is so fun in NYC. All the businesses open their doors for trick or treaters. Certain streets close down for block parties. You run into friends all dressed up. Everyone is excited and on a sugar high. 

My favorite part is the kid's excitement getting their candy. They come out of the stores so happy and will sometimes say, "look what I got Mommy!". Their excitement is sweet and is what makes this day so great.  

We had a great time trick or treating. It called for rain right in the middle of our trick or treating time, but it didn't! We had friends come over and get ready with us, which the kids were so excited about. Then we hit the streets, for some treats. 

We hit the businesses first, because they can run out of candy quick. We even got cupcakes at Baked by Melissa, and fresh hot from the oven full size cookies from Insomnia bakery. Talk about best day ever. (Truth be told I will only ever go to either of those places for free food.)

We had a huge group of friends. It was chaotic, but there were four adults and one very awesome fifth grader who helped keep track of everyone. And hold doors. So many doors. 

We stayed out for about two hours then the boys were ready to go home. It was our shortest trick or treating stint, but they still came home with their bags half full of candy. It was worth it to get back in early before everyone (me included) was exhausted. 

We had fun. We got candy. Success. 

Cosette did go out again later with Daddy (miracles do not only happen on Christmas). She had a great time trick or treating at a friend's building. 

When we got home I taught the kids about trading candy. They thought it was the greatest thing ever. They were like, "What?! You can give away candy you do not like, and get candy you do?!". Blew their sweet little minds. Coco went for the Sour Patch. Henry and Rapha were like what do you have, lol. I just took all their M&Ms. 

The kids were Harry Potter characters this year. Cosette: Luna Lovegood, Henry: Harry Potter, Rapha: Draco Malfoy, complete with a Potter Stinks badge. I dressed up in my Kiki"s Delivery Service costume, which looks like it will be my go to. The kids got some great compliments about their costumes. One lady stopped and talked with the boys about how the Harry Potter costumes are her favorite. 

Anyway, that was our Halloween 2019. Hope yours was spooktacular!

Our first group photo. 

Henry and one of his cute BFFs we ran into. 

Trick or treating at Books of Wonder. Its our favorite book store. We go there so much to read they know us. 

Our group gained two more. 

Baked by Melissa spooky cupcakes. 

My favorite picture from the night. 

We added another person!

The spoils!

Three little pumpkins all aglow. 


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