Camping at Norris Dam

The last three years my parents have been taking the kids on a camping trip every summer when we visit. I finally came along this year, cause why not. It was a quick trip, but still a fun one. 

We took a boat ride around the Norris Lake. I loved it when our guide said "now I am going to turn the air conditioning on," as he would speed the boat up. There was no air conditioning, haha.

Our campsite was next to a playground and a volley ball net. There were several families camping around. Coco and I played our own version of volley ball with some of the other kids. The boys were all about helping Pa and Uncle David put up the tent. They both did some hammering. I think that is what Henry did most of the time, take the hammer and bang the ground with it. 

We roasted hot dogs and s'mores for dinner (of course). Rapha would put his marshmallow in the fire then pull it out immediately saying it was done, haha. I was there for the chocolate. 

We went on a night hike that evening. Our guide told us ghost stories that were associated with Norris Dam State Park. Nothing scary, just several apparitions that have said to have been seen in those parts. It was not scary being out in the woods at night. Everyone had at least one flash light, which Henry took the liberty of shining everywhere to inspect everything, but mostly our eyes. The kids were totally fine and had a lot of questions about all the stories he told. The most interesting fact we learned that night was about spiders. Spiders have extremely reflective eyes. If you hold your flash light at eye level in the dark you will see little glittering specks. Those are spider's eyes. After I learned that fact I saw a lot of glittering specks all over the forest floor. Then on our way out our guide told us to not look a certain direction and walk quickly, because there was a skunk a little ways off the trail. Exciting! Exciting that we did not get sprayed. 

David did not put on the rain fly on the tent, so we slept under the stars. It was a really nice night. Perfect camping weather. The boys sandwiched me on the air mattress. Made it extra comfy, kind of....

That is our camping trip. The end. 

Ice cream is our Friday tradition. 


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