Girls Run the World

This past weekend the President  of our church's Relief Society (our church's women's organization), and leaders of the Young Women's and Primary organizations (our church's children's groups) were in NYC. They held a fireside for all the women ages 12 and up. I was able to attend (although in the middle I had to go pick Cosette up from a birthday party). The meeting was going a lot slower than anticipated, so I went back with Cosette. She was able to hear Sister Jean B. Bingham, the General Relief Society President, speak. I told Cosette who Sister Bingham was, and she sat up to see her better. She then turned to me and said, "mommy you could be the president one day". That was sweet of her. Sometimes it strikes me at how much he looks up to me. Helps me stay on my toes and try to be better.

After the fireside Sister Bingham was outside the chapel talking with the sister and taking pictures with them. When she saw Cosette, she stopped what she was doing turned to Coco and spent a little bit of time talking with her. It was so special to be there with my daughter, the leader of the women in our faith, and hundreds of sisters from NYC all together.

Recently the church has changed the visiting teaching program to ministering. There has been a lot of discussion about it, what it means, how we go about it. Being there with all the sisters and thinking of how we are called to minister to each other (care, love, nurture, etc.) was very empowering. I know that a lot of this went over Cosette's head, but I know she will look at the pictures as she gets older, and know that she has met a very powerful woman chosen by God. I hope that when she understands how important this experience is it will help strengthen her faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, their gospel, and the programs they have put into place on the Earth for women.

Every Sunday, from age 12  to 18, us girls would stand up and recite, "We are daughters of God, who love us, and we love him". While sometimes I struggle to remember that God loves me, I know that I am his child. It is a very empowering statement. Knowing that a God--think more powerful than Thor or Oden--is standing behind us, supporting us as we go through each day. Remembering that gives us power. Knowing he called us to minister to each other empowers us as women even more, because we are supporting one another. 

I am grateful to be apart of this world wide women's organization, and that my daughter was able to see a glimpse of what it is like. 


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