Happy Day Farm

Our weekends are filled, and I am trying to pack in as many fall activities as we can. On Columbus Day, a friend and I took our kiddos out to New Jersey to Happy Day Farm to get that classic down home fall fest, and pumpkin patch experience. 

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day, and a more fun place to take the kids. The farm had all the activities going, since it was a holiday. We got there and all the kids went in all different directions. There was so much to do. We played, ate, played, played, played played, pumpkins, played, home. 

The pumpkin patch was my favorite part. Do not ask me why, but pumpkins just make me happy, incandescently happy. If you can remember the line from Pride and Prejudice, when Elizabeth tells Mr. Darcy he can only call her Mrs. Darcy when she is incandescently happy, that is how happy pumpkins make me. I am a weirdo. 

This pumpkin patch has a really cute section with a house made of pumpkins, and all sorts of displays that influencers use to make us have major fomo. The kids loved it. Picking out their pumpkin, being inside a pumpkin house! Henry was especially excited about that. Rapha was all about having his own wheel barrow to transport his pumpkin. He kept saying that it was the perfect size for him. He could not get one that was too big, or he would not be able to carry it in his wheel barrow. 

Huge for me, but I drove! Thank goodness driving is like riding a bicycle. We do not own a car here, and have not for the nine years we have been married. Thankfully traffic here is not like Manila or Delhi. Even so there is a lot going on. Pedestrians, cars, one way streets every where. I am so grateful for my friend who came with us, and helped me navigate. I realized I really do know how to get out of the city pretty easily driving. I feel much more confident doing it on my own, and looks like I probably will do it more. One of my silly fears I am have overcome! Watch out NYC, Christine is getting her Uber license. 

We did a good job of wearing ourselves out. The two littlest boys fell asleep on the way home. And I had the best time chatting with my friend. It was truly a Happy Day  at the Farm. 

The best smile I can get from him, because he is tired of me taking pictures. 

Piggie races! It was so cute! Henry was really into them. He would stand up on the hay bales and cheer his little head off. 

The one time he is allowed to sit in a giant machine thing and it is allowed! Obviously, I know this is a tractor, but anywhere there is a unoccupied recreation vehicle of sorts (even a motorcycle on the street) an attempt will be made to sit on it. 
Power pose.

She saw this slide, and had to go. Her face when she finished. Worth her waiting in line for.

Thank you for smiling kids!

My happy place.

The perfect pumpkin, and the perfect boy.

Happy Fall Ya'll!


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