Henry is Five!

Henry turned five in September! We had a small birthday celebration with a few friends. Henry was ecstatic for it all. 

 My gift guide:1. Something you want, 2. Something you need, 3. Something to do, 4. Something to read. 

 His Kindergarten class celebrated the September birthdays and I went at the last minute. I am glad i made the decision to go, because when Henry saw me he got the biggest grin. They wore birthday crowns, had cupcakes, juice, crackers, and sung the birthday song. 

His birthday highlight in Primary at Church was my favorite. As the Primary President was giving the clues about who's birthday it was, Henry leaned over to his teacher and said how he liked all those things. He was in shock when they said it was him. It was sweet to see his reaction. 

I am glad I got to be apart of all his birthday celebrations. 


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