A Tender Tennessee Christmas

Was the only Christmas for us this year. First time going down for the Christmas holidays as a family since we have been married (8 years!). It was time.

The kids and I went down a week before Christmas. We had fun with friends decorating cookies, going to the trampoline park, visiting the Zoo, getting spoiled by aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 

Grandma arranged for a special visitor a couple days before Christmas. The kids were ecstatic to see Santa Claus walking up the side walk to Grandma and Pa's front door. It was a sweet little visit with Santa. Pa read a Christmas story from our family Christmas book. 

Lyndon got there Christmas Eve. The kids were so excited to see their Daddy. We watched a James Bond movie, which is going to be a Christmas tradition I will enforce from now on (love James Bond). 

Christmas morning was magical as always. Santa treated everyone very well. The kids were excited with all their presents. My favorite gifts they received are mini digital cameras. Henry and Cosette have become master photographers. They take their cameras every where and have been documenting everything. I love it! They have taken some sweet shots. We also got to talk to Uncle David! He's been on his mission since September. It was great to talk with him. 

We spent the rest of the week eating all the treats, celebrating Grandma's birthday, family fun run, jumping on the trampoline, playing with Baby Ruby, and getting spoiled by everyone. 

The four Dunn cousins. Cosette holding baby Ruby, Henry, and Rapha. 

We rang the new year, early for the kids. We played the ball dropping from last year and counted down with them at 9:30. Then the rest of us stayed up till mid night. The next morning a few of us ran a 5K. We are that family that runs for fun on holidays, and I love it. 

Hoping all of you had a happy holiday season! 


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