Father's Day 2019

Trying to get everyone to say, "We love Daddy!".

Happy Father's Day to our Lyndon, our daddy, the man we love most in the world. The kids have no idea how lucky they are to have him as their dad. He adores them more than anything. 

In the last couple of months a couple people have approached me and complemented Lyndon on how great of a father he is. It was a great reminder to me. Sometimes the things we see everyday we take for granted.

Lyndon was sick today, on Father's Day. He was well enough to eat, so we put together a spread of his favorite foods. Bread, cheese, and chocolate. We went around the table and everyone said their favorite thing about their Dad. It was unanimous that their favorite thing is that he lets them play with his Nintendo Switch. That is the kind of dad he is.

He shares his interest, his "toys", books, knowledge with them.  When he does something he wants to include the kids. We get him a LEGO set it turns into a family building session. He makes the kids feel loved and included. He plays harder than the kids any kid at the playground. He climbs on trees, rocks, fences, you name it with them. He teaches them about science, Greek, reading. He explains all these complex things to the kids. He reads Lord of the Rings with them. All these different things that he does with the kids is what I love most about Lyndon as a dad. 

A few photos that show how great he is. 


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