Cosette Gets Baptized

Cosette was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on September 1, 2019. There was a huge out pouring of support from our congregation as well from family members who traveled in for the baptism. Friends from school, and some friends from office also attended. And I cannot forget friends from our first congregation in NYC. There was a lot of people that filled the chapel up pretty well. I was really touched by all the love and support our family was shown on this special day for Coco. 

I have been the annoying mom asking Cosette over the months if she really wants to get baptized. I really wanted her to think about making this choice for herself, and not it was because everyone else her age was doing it. Finally she told me, "Mom you can stop asking me. This is what I want to do". 

She choose her Grandma Plothow to speak on baptism, and her Pa Dunn to speak on the gift of the Holy Ghost. I gave the opening prayer, Aunt Leslie conducted the music, and Aunt Ellen gave the closing prayer. Daddy performed her baptism. Only her family members were in the circle blessing her with the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a sweet and special program all just for her. 

After the day was over she told Lyndon that she felt really special and she could not believe how many people were there for her baptism. Definitely a day that helped her understand the importance of the decision she made to get baptized. 

The Plothow group. 

Grandma and Grandpa Plothow.

Uncle Ethan and Aunt Hannah. 

Pa, Coco, and Grandma.

Me and my girl. She wore the same dress I wore when I was baptized. 

The Dunn party. 

These two have a really special relationship. I am grateful they have each other. 

Uncle David, Aunt Ellen, and Aunt Leslie. 

Then they called me over for a Dunn sibling and Coco photo. 

My heart. My world. My everything. 

Coco with her next friend to get baptized. We can't wait for her turn. 



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