Summer is my Favorite Season

School starts tomorrow, and I am reflecting on our summer. I gush about how much I love fall when that time of the year comes around. However, this year I am going to lament the end of summer. I fell kind of dumb saying summer has been so good to us, but it has! We have had lots of visitors, several pool and beach days, which I think that has made it feel more like a "normal" summer. Maybe it is because we have stayed in the city for most of it. It is probably the combination of it all, but it has been the best summer yet.

A bucket load of photos below almost as long as our summer below. 

Finding a crab claw at Rock Away Beach.
Afternoon at Victoria Gardens with these two. 

Visiting Belvedere Castle after it re-opend. More beautiful than ever. 

Henry lost his two front teeth. I loved seeing his smile. 

"Hot" mammas at Long Beach. It was my favorite beach we visited this summer. 

Strawberry picking in upstate NY. Lyndon made homemade jam with them.


Summer camp!

NYC offers free breakfast and lunch at designated schools, city pools, and libraries in the five boroughs. We took advantage of it and enjoyed lots of lunch at our school. 

Then there were a few moments like this. Icing on the cake. How could summer not be favorite?


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