
We survived Huricaine Sandy. We were very lucky because the Upper West Side of Manhattan was not affected to bad by Sandy. Sunday all the subways closed at 7pm and everyone was urged to stay in doors in preparation for the strom. The storm did not really hit till Monday. We actually went out early in the afternoon for a little bit before the rain really started. Monday was the worst of it for us. We had to stay inside most of the day. The wind was blowing really really really hard. I was afraid that at times that the wind might suck out our window. We maintained power, running water, and internet the whole time. We were really really really lucky that nothing happened. I was proud of us because we were completely prepared. The only thing that we needed was a flash light that we got right before the storm hit. Tuesday we could not take being couped up any more and took about a five hour walk around the city. These photos are what we saw around the Upper West Side right after Hurricaine Sandy. 

Like I have been saying we are really really really lucky. Schools were cancelled for the whole week and a lot of people could not go to work down town because of flooding. New Jersey was hit really really hard. This last weekend we went to Princeton and on our drive down there we saw a lot of power lines down and leaning really far sideways. The lines to the gas station were miles long. 

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us and kept us in their thoughts and prayers. The city is slowly getting back to normal. The subway is back up and running for the most part. It still does not go all the way down town but it is getting closer everyday. The down town city lights are coming back on and it feels good to see the city coming back to life. Please continue to pray and offer as much help and aid as you can to those in New Jersey because the storm hit a lot harder over there. The Jersey Shore skyline is still not compeltly lite up. 


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